The very earilest of days (for me). Late 1974 or early 1975.
The car was purchased new at Crawford Ford in Burleson, Texas in May of 1967. After my
mother passed away, it was owned by my grandmother. I received the car from her estate
in the summer of 1974. Note the total stealth mode here: dog dish hubcaps and Mr. Gasket
traction bars. |
About 1976. The original 289. "Options" include a Holley list 1850, Accel coil, M/T
valve covers and headers from a company called Custom (?). We still have the valve covers
and the headers. |
Also about 1976. A bad day on the freeway. Was
on my way to make an insurance payment. Oopsy. |
The 289 was backed by a RAN 3 speed trans. This is a typical Sunday afternoon pose
following a particularly hard Saturday night of beating up Camaros and
Mustangs. This is from about 1977. Note the missing bumper. In its
place was a 6' piece of "C" steel with a welded in 1" solid bar.
It weighed about 60 lbs and was secured by chains. Looked like a
Street Stock circle track car. |
Here I am working on my very first engine.
This is a 302 and I still have the receipts for it. The cost
was about $500. This engine replaced the 289 sometime in 1977. A C4 was attached
which alleviated the Sunday clutch changing ritual. I also overhauled
the C4. That was a learning experience too - I put a thrust
washer in backward and trashed the trans before I went two blocks.
You can tell this shot is from the '70s - Breaker! Breaker! Goodyear has
always loved me - I went though a lot of those F60-14's. |
1979 - For a two and a half year period, I piloted a different kind of bird.
The 403 was a dog motor,
but it handled like it was on rails thanks to the "home brew" WS-6 suspension. And, a real
babe magnet. Just ask my babe - it magnetized her and she's still stuck to me after 20
years! |